Should You Keep a Secret by Lisa Darcy

 Should You Keep a Secret 

By Lisa Darcy 

Book Tour by Love Books Tours


This book had my attention from the moment I read the blurb. 

How do the secrets we keep effect those around us? And does everyone have a secret they would rather keep hidden? 

The story is very well written - you are drawn in to the characters lives. It is told through the perspectives of the main characters Stella, Jesse and Carly as well as Louisa (Jesse’s sister). Each part weaves seamlessly into the next and the swap between viewpoints gives slightly different sides to the story that open it up and make you question what your own response would be. 

I particularly liked Stella and her relationship with her mother in law and ex husband. I could imagine the conversations between them, the subtle facial expressions rolling of eyes. Even in the moments of seriousness I felt the happiness between them that I think we should all look for. 

The story line was definitely a gripping one and there were definite moments where I laughed. However, Lisa Darcy addresses some serious issues throughout the book - all of which add to the story but are managed well and with respect. 

I have to be honest - I wasn’t expecting the initial big reveal about Steve to be quite so - well revealing. It did however get my attention and goes to show you never know what’s happening behind closed doors. 

My only regret for the book is I wish we had got to know Dot a little more - there are hints that she too has secrets from her past and I would like to have explored her story more. Perhaps there’s another book there. 

Thank you Lisa for letting me enjoy another of your wonderful books. 

Trigger warnings: mental health, controlling relationship behaviour, pregnancy loss, drug use. 


Stella and Carly accept an invitation to a neighbourhood party unaware it’s a swinger event. It all seems like a risqué joke until they spot a familiar face in the crowd, their friend’s husband, Steve.

Should they tell Jesse the truth and risk losing her friendship or keep quiet and let Jesse continue living a lie?

The party sets in motion a chain of events that unravels secrets and leaves none of them unscarred.

Meanwhile, recently separated Stella struggles to deal with her growing feelings for Dr Mike, worries about her mother-in-law’s forgetfulness and juggles priorities at her job as a librarian.

Carly drinks too much as she questions her husband’s fidelity and misses her son, who is overseas on a gap year.

And Jesse keeps her own secrets, just like her sister Louisa.
